Chapel Hill Dental Care

Call (330) 633-7141

Temporary Inlays and Onlays - Post Treatment Instructions

You have now completed the first step of the procedure to restore and protect your tooth. We have placed a temporary inlay/onlay in the tooth to protect it during the period of time that the laboratory fabricating your "real" one. A temporary serves to hold the space for the lab fabricated inlay/onlay, preventing the adjacent teeth from drifting.

What to expect

A temporary inlay/onlay is just that, temporary! Because of this we don't want you to be too critical of how the temporary looks or feels. Some sensitivity to temperature and chewing pressure is normal. So is the feeling that it is a little rough to your tongue. But don't worry, the lab fabricated inlay/onlay will be much more "tooth-like"

Do's and Don'ts

Do not chew anything too hard or sticky. Do not floss around your temporary. If it should come out, and it is convenient for you to come in to our office, give us a call to make arrangements to have it replaced. A temporary inlay/onlay serves a purpose. So don't ignore it, should it be dislodged.

A temporary is designed to last only a few weeks. Keeping it on too long can damage your natural tooth. Make sure you have your next appointment set up to have your lab processed inlay /onlay placed.

If you have any questions or problems don't hesitate to give us a call.

 Call for an appointment:
(330) 633-7141

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Chapel Hill Dental Care
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Chapel Hill Dental Care
1690 Brittain Rd
Akron, OH 44310
General Info: (330) 633-7141

 Call for an appointment:
(330) 633-7141

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